- Criei este tópico com intuído de ajudar na decisão de qual Shields(escudo) e/ou Spellbook usar ou trocar.
Comente qual deles é o mais emblemático? e qual você usa?
(Contém Spoilers)
Como conseguir?
Ancient Shield
(Def:27). It weighs 61.00 oz.
Drop de Enslaved Dwarf, Ghost, Lich, Nightmare.
Batlle Shield
(Def:23). It weighs 62.00 oz.
Drop de Cyclops, Cyclops drone, Cyclops Smith, Demon Skeleton, Dwarf Guardian, Frost Giant, Frost Giantess, Gargoyle,
Hellspawn, Orc Rider, Pirate Buccanner.
Black Shield
(Def:18). It weighs 42.00 oz.
Drop de Hades, Lost Beserker, Magma Crawler, Mummy, Priestess, Guarda Real.
Blessed Shield
(Def:40). It weighs 68.00 oz.
Obtido na Secret Quest
Bone Shield
(Def:20). It weighs 55.00 oz.
Drop de Bonebeast, Chacoya Thoolshaper, Chakoya Tribewarden, Chakoya Windcaller, Crypt Shambler.
Bonelord Shield
(Def:28) It weighs 47.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1
Drop de Bonelord, Braindeath, Elder Bonelord.
Brass Shield
(Def:16) It weighs 60.00 oz
Drop de Skeleton.
Carapace Shield
(Def:36) Protection Psychic +2% It weighs 55.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1
Drop de Kollos,Spridis.
Castle Shield
(Def:28) It weighs 49.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1
Drop de Lich.
Copper Shield
(Def:19) It weighs 63.00 oz
Drop de Dwarf, Rotworm, Orc Rider.
Crown Shield
(Def:32) It weighs 62.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1
Drop de Annihilon, Hero. Também é possível obtê-lo por quest
Dark Shield
(Def:25) It weighs 52.00 oz.
Drop de Dona morte, Pirata, assassina real.
Death Gaze
(Def: 44, protection physical +1%). Imbuement Slots: 1
Demon Shield
(Def:35) It weighs 26.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1
Drop de Annihilon, Black Demon, Demon, Golgordan, Latrivan, Baphometh, Orshabaal.
Dragon Shield
(Def:31) It weighs 26.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Dragon, Draptor.
Dwarven Shield
(Def:26) It weighs 55.00 oz.
Drop de Dwarf Soldier
Eagle Shield
(Def:32) It weighs 62.00 oz.
Obtido por meio de quest. Entrada próxima a entrada da Inquisition Quest (Sem Spoiler).
Fiery Rainbow Shield
(Def:36) It weighs 69.00 oz. Shielding +3
Encantamento com Luky Nivel 1
Glacier Shield
(Def:24) Magic level + 3 It weighs 49.00 oz.
Drop de Skadis.
Great Shield
(Def:38) It weighs 69.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Abominável, Morgaroth.
Griffin Shield
(Def:29). Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Lost Warrior of Montain
Guardian Shield
(Def:30) It weighs 55.00 oz.
Drop de Annihilon, Demon Skeleton, Diabolic Imp, Energy Elemental, Enslaved Dwarf, Fire Devil,
Lost Berserker, Lost Exile, Mutated Tiger.
Holder of Superstitions
(Def:13), Magic Level +3 e Speed +13
Item de Evento.
Icy Rainbow Shield
(Def:39) It weighs 69.00 oz.
Encantamento com Luky Nível 2
King Shield
(Def:44) It weighs 62.00 oz.
Obtido na King Shield Quest
Mastermind Shield
(Def:37) It weighs 57.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Annihilon, Demon, Juggernaut, Latrivan, Thunder Dragon, Gigante de Gelo, Orshabaal.
Medusa Shield
(Def:33) It weighs 58.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Medusa, Hydra, Dragon Guardian.
Morcego Shield
(Def:37) It weighs 32.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Morcego.
Ornamented Shield
(Def:22) It weighs 67.00 oz.
(Sem Spoiler)
Ornate Shield
(Def: 36, protection physical +5%). Imbuement Slots: 1.
Phoenix Shield
(Def: 34) It weighs 35.00 oz Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Omruc.
Plate Shield
(Def: 17) It weighs 65.00 oz.
Drop de Cyclops, Cyclops Drone, Cyclops Smith, Elf, Gladiator, Mutated Rat,
Orc, Orc Leader, Tarantula.
Rainbow Shield
(Def: 30) It weighs 65.00 oz.
Demon Oak Quest
Sentinel Shield
(Def: 22). Imbuement Slots: 1
Drop de Lizard Sentinel.
Shield of Honour
(Def: 33).
(Não é mais possível obtê-lo)
Scarab Shield
(Def: 25) It weighs 47.00 oz.
Drop de Ancient Scarab.
Sparking Rainbow Shield
(Def: 36) It weighs 69.00 oz. Speed +10.
Encantamento com Luky nível 4
Spiked Shield
(Def: 28) It weighs 59.00 oz.
Drop de Corym Charlatan, Corym Skirmisher, Corym Vanguard.
Steel Shield
(Def: 21) It weighs 69.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Bonelord, Braindeath, Crypt Defiler, Dragon, Plaguesmith.
Tempest Shield
(Def: 36) It weighs 51.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Terran Rainbow Shield
(Def: 37) It weighs 69.00 oz.
Encantamento com Luky Nível 3
The Omni Defender
(Def: 44) Physical +1%, fire +2%, life drain +1%, Holy +2%, Death +2% It weighs ?.00 oz.
Item de Evento.
Tortoise Shield
(Def: 26) It weighs 52.00 oz.
Drop deTartaruga Mutante, Tartaruga Mutante Suprema.
Tower Shield
(Def: 32) It weighs 82.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Annihilon, Dragon Lord, Enslaved Dwarf, Frost Dragon, Lost Berserker, Lost Exile,
Lost Soul, Mutated Rat, Serpent Spawn.
Tusk Shield
(Def: 27) It weighs 69.00 oz.
Drop de Mommoth.
Vampire Shield
(Def: 34) It weighs 38.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Vampire, Bloody Baron.
Warrior's Shield
(Def: 33) It weighs 75.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Deepling Elite, Deepling Warrior.
Wooden Shield
(Def: 14) It weighs 40.00 oz.
Drop de Frost Troll, Troll, Rotworm, Rotworm Gigante, Orc.
(Def: 14) It weighs 18.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Ganha ao criar um personagem.
Spellbook of Dark Mysteries
(Def: 16) It weighs 28.50 oz. Magic Level +3.
Drop de Marte e Hades. Também possível obtê-lo pela
Demon Oak Quest e The Inquisition Quest
Depth Scutum
(Def: 25) Magic Level +5 It weighs 30.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de Poseidon.
Wooden Spellbook
(Def: 25) Magic Level +4 Protection earth +5% It weighs 12.00 oz. Imbuement Slots: 1.
Drop de The Forest Monster, Cupido(Criatura de Evento)
Como meu primeiro tópico creio que houve algumas falhas que passaram batidas e algumas quests e/ou itens que não obtive informações suficientes, caso eu tenha esquecido algo comentem, espero que o tópico seja útil e de bom uso.
bom jogo a todos.
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Editado por misaelw, 05 August 2021 - 03:37 .